Lunar New Year The naked new In the birth canalPoised to becomeHeld in a prism of potentialUnknown to selfUnknown to the worldBut intact, Armed with love,Ready. ‘What am I?’ said the Self..Honeysuckle laced with dew,Candle wax and frogspawn,Rainbows and lily pads,Piano keys and the wet mudof the potters wheel.You are it all,You are life. ‘But what comes next?’ Read more about Lunar New Year[…]

Chill air and hibiscus flowers

It’s early morning. The full moon beginning to wane. Peak summer energy dropping away. I love this garden, this little patch of paradise, with splashes of leftover flowers, pink, yellow, orange and white dapple the green foliage.I hear the wind and see it pushing through the high treesbut here on this sheltered terrace it barely Read more about Chill air and hibiscus flowers[…]