Wind, leaves, conkers, sand and shells.

Cool autumn air scattering crispy brown leaves Then sweeping them into piles Which soften the fall of shiny brown conkers Giant seed balls still Bearing a vernix coating. birthed from spiky shells with the softest of liningS. Then onto the beach blown along by the chill east wind. The Sun still clinging onto its last Read more about Wind, leaves, conkers, sand and shells.[…]

Proud Music of the Storm. Walt Whitman

1PROUD music of the storm,Blast that careers so free, whistling across the prairies,Strong hum of forest tree-tops—wind of the mountains,Personified dim shapes—you hidden orchestras,You serenades of phantoms with instruments alert,Blending with Nature’s rhythmus all the tongues of nations;You chords left as by vast composers—you choruses,You formless, free, religious dances—you from the Orient,You undertone of rivers, roar Read more about Proud Music of the Storm. Walt Whitman[…]


Death by noise. Unable to find Peace the whales run aground. My heart breaks. Lost words, Heartwood, Taproot. Rain makes the Earth solid not crumbly, allowing roots to get a sure hold. Breath out black sludge through your feet. Breath out black smoke through your chest. A cock’s crow blows in on the wind. Gust Read more about Wind[…]