Catkins dingle-dangle, mosses glow green & small birds fluff up against the cold but the light steals back as bright winter aconites & snowdrops emerge.
1st New Years Day
5th Twelth night – Christmas tree down & time to wassail the apple trees singing to them & blessing them for a fruitful year.
6th Epiphany & xiǎohán Chinese season of minor or slight cold
6th Plough Monday – return to work
13th Full Wolf Moon in Cancer The January full moon is also known as the Old Moon and the Ice Moon in some European regions. In the Anglo-Saxon tradition, it’s called the Moon After Yule.
13th The darkest time wanes. As we move out of the darkest 6 weeks of the year, the return of light can just start to be felt
19th Sun moves into Aquarius
20th dàhán season of major cold
25th Burns night
29th New moon in Aquarius
29th Chinese New year – Year of the Wood Snake